IV Antibiotics

Have you heard of the new therapy - the IV antibiotic therapy? Antibiotics and bacterial infections have become a part of our everyday lives, but our bodies might build up resistance to some medications. So, many medical professionals started using IV antibiotics therapy.

But is this method effective? Is IV antibiotics better than oral? Stay with us to find out all the details and clarify all the dilemmas surrounding the use of antibiotics.

What Are IV Antibiotics

IV antibiotics are drugs that are injected directly into the patient's bloodstream. IV therapy involves injecting fluids, medications, and nutrients directly into a vein, bypassing the digestive system.

This method with The Drip Iv is commonly used for sepsis because this condition requires fast action. Intravenously inserted antibiotics reach the patient’s tissues faster and in much bigger concentrations than the orally-taken antibiotic pills.

What Are IV Antibiotics

Source: shutterstock.com / Photo Contributor: JGA

Do IV antibiotics work faster?

When it comes to antibiotics, they will work faster if administered intravenous, unlike oral antibiotics. In that way, they will contribute to a more effective fight against infections and thus prevent the spread of the infection to the surrounding tissues.

Such treatment with IV antibiotics is also of great importance for elderly patients. In such patients, it is necessary to react immediately due to the reduced metabolic processes in their organism and a greater tendency to spread the infection.

Types of antibiotics

When an antibiotic is mentioned, remember that they represent an extensive collection of drugs, and no two are the same. Namely, the administration of the antibiotic mostly depends on the type of illness, your health condition, and how your body reacts to certain antibiotics.

Therefore, you should give your doctor valuable information if a bacterial infection is being treated. Things like your health condition, allergic reactions, and other anamnestic data may help the doctor choose the appropriate antibiotic for your health condition. So, what antibiotics are given by IV?

As we mentioned earlier, antibiotics are a large group of drugs divided into several groups. Below we will present some of them:

  • Penicillins - Penicillin, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin;

  • Cephalosporins - Cephalexin, Cefazolin, Cefdinir, Cefaclor, Cefepime, Ceftaroline;

  • Tetracyclines - Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Minocycline;

  • Aminoglycosides - Streptomycin, Gentamicin, Tobramycin;

  • Macrolides - Azithromycin, Erythromycin, Clarithromycin, Clindamycin;

  • Nitroimidazoles- Metronidazole, Tinidazole;

  • Quinolones - Ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacin and Levofloxacin.

Benefits of IV Antibiotics

As we mentioned earlier, IV antibiotic therapy might be an effective way to fight infection, and in some cases, it is even much faster than oral antibiotics. This method of administration includes direct administration of the drug into the bloodstream and visible effects in a very quick time. In addition, IV antibiotic therapy has several benefits that are worth mentioning.

Treatment of serious infections

Oral antibiotics usually work for minor infections like ear or throat infections. However, when it comes to more serious infections, administration of a higher dose of antibiotics is required, which cannot be achieved through oral antibiotics. 

Therefore, IV antibiotic therapy is used in such cases, which successfully and quickly. Such infections are usually treated in a hospital setting where doctors pay attention to the dosage and duration of treatment.

IV therapy may help minimize the spread of the disease

In addition to treating serious health problems, IV therapy may help prevent the spread of disease. However, this benefit is realized if the patients are treated in hospital conditions and the necessary clinical and medical examinations are done.

Therefore, the earlier IV antibiotic therapy starts, the less likely the patient will be infectious. This positive feature may be helpful for people prone to infections and those who have failed to administer antibiotics orally.

IV therapy may help minimize the spread of the disease

Source: shutterstock.com / Photo Contributor: Rainer Fuhrmann

Patients requiring long-term care

There are several reasons why long-term care patients need IV antibiotic therapy. One of the reasons is the easy way of administering the therapy. Iv therapy may help patients that have difficulty swallowing or are recovering from surgery.

In addition, this method of administration is helpful if the patient cannot receive oral antibiotics for any reason. And not only that, IV antibiotic therapy, if administered on time, may help patients avoid hospitalization and prevent their health condition from worsening.

Where Can You Get IV Antibiotics Therapy

IV antibiotics were initially administered only in hospitals. Today, there are more opportunities and options where this type of therapy is given that you can decide on. To that end, we'll look at some of those options.

Administration of IV antibiotic therapy in the hospital

Administration of IV therapy in a hospital used to be the only place where such therapy was administered under a doctor’s care. Even though IV antibiotic therapy is not restricted to being received in a hospital, many still opt for this option precisely because of the medical care. Receiving IV therapy in a hospital has many advantages, such as round-the-clock assistance from the staff and doctors. In addition, you have access to various medications and tests if your health condition changes or worsens.

IV antibiotics at home

In addition to hospital conditions, IV antibiotics can be administered at home. This method of administration is used when the patient needs to receive therapy for a more extended period.

In both places, the way of administering the IV antibiotics therapy is the same. The IV antibiotic is inserted through a small tube called a catheter, which is then inserted in the vein using a needle. Then, the nurse removes the needle, and the IV is left in place, secured by a dressing. 

Besides the nurse, the doctor who prescribed the therapy, the pharmacist who delivers the IV therapy, home health nurses, and a specialist doctor if it is a specific disease will be at your home while you receive the IV therapy.

Outpatient infusion center

An outpatient infusion center or any other skilled medical facility is another option where you can receive IV antibiotic treatment. Such a choice mainly depends on the patient himself and his health insurance. 

In addition, these options are intended for those patients who cannot administer the necessary antibiotics themselves or do not have a loved one who can administer them.

Oral Antibiotics vs IV Antibiotics

Many patients wonder whether to administer the antibiotics orally or intravenously. So are IV antibiotics better than oral? First of all, you should know that the way the antibiotic is administered depends on several factors, such as the patient's health condition, the type of antibiotic and the type of infection. Therefore, let's see in which cases IV antibiotics are used, and when oral antibiotics are used:

IV antibiotics are used in:

  • Bacterial infections, such as sepsis, are where the patient's life is in danger;

  • Various infections where oral antibiotics have not given the desired result;

  • Parts of the body where oral antibiotics cannot penetrate.

Oral antibiotics are used in:

  • If you are tolerant to oral intake of drugs;

  • If your health condition is not life-threatening;

  • If oral antibiotics have the same strength and effect as IV antibiotics.

Oral Antibiotics vs IV Antibiotics

Source: shutterstock.com / Photo Contributor: Taras Grebinets

When to Say No to IV Antibiotics Therapy?

There are certain instances where certain people should refrain from using antibiotics.

People with allergies to the medicine - this group of patients allergic to a specific type of antibiotic must inform their doctor. That way, the doctor will know which antibiotics to watch out for and suggest antibiotics from a different group.

Pregnant women- during pregnancy, certain antibiotics may adversely affect the development of the fetus. But if it is necessary to take an antibiotic, the doctor will determine which is appropriate during that period.

People taking regular therapy- if you are taking therapy or medicines prescribed by a doctor, you should be careful before deciding on the antibiotic. In this case, the ingredients of your regular therapy can react with the antibiotic and worsen your health condition. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor who will tell you when and if you should take an antibiotic.

Pros and Cons of IV Antibiotic Therapy

Like any therapy, IV antibiotic therapy has its advantages and disadvantages. Below we will present some of them:


They may act quickly - unlike oral antibiotics, IV therapy bypasses the digestive system, and the drug is administered directly into the bloodstream. That way, in a short time, you will get the necessary effect of the antibiotic.

They may work more effectively - antibiotics are used in many treatments for many types of infections. Besides being able to kill many infections, they may also slow the growth of the infection.

Can be used before surgery - in addition to being used to fight bacterial infections, antibiotics can also be given preventively. Namely, in many cases, antibiotics are administered before surgery to prevent possible infections after surgery.

Treating bacterial infections resistant to oral antibiotics - one of the most significant advantages of IV therapy is that it may be used for infections resistant to oral antibiotics. Moreover, many doctors use a combination of multiple antibiotics to treat bacterial infections.


In addition to the numerous positive aspects, IV antibiotic therapy doesn’t come without its disadvantages. Keep in mind that such deficiencies occur if a doctor doesn't monitor the therapy and if you take an antibiotic on your own.

Increased resistance - If you take antibiotics frequently, resistance may develop in your body. Thus, antibiotics may become less effective.

Allergic reaction - allergic reactions to antibiotics are rare but may still occur. They occur if you don't inform your doctor about your allergies and medical conditions, which can lead to an inappropriate antibiotic prescription.

Swelling - Swelling and skin discoloration often occur if IV therapy is not administered correctly. Therefore, if your doctor prescribes IV therapy, ensure a qualified medical person carries it out.

What You Should Know Before Taking IV Antibiotics Therapy

Although antibiotics are of great help in treating severe health conditions, there are several factors that you should pay attention to:

  • Antibiotics are intended to treat bacterial infections such as urinary tract infections, strep throat, or whooping cough.

  • On the other hand, antibiotic therapy is not used for viral infections such as flu, common cold, or runny nose.

  • Do not take antibiotics on your own. If you feel unwell, contact your doctor, who will tell you if you need to take antibiotics or over-the-counter medications.

  • If your doctor has prescribed IV antibiotic therapy, follow the directions and instructions. Don't delay the therapy or take medicines your doctor hasn't approved.

  • Familiarize the doctor in detail with your condition - whether you are allergic to medicines, past illnesses, diseases in the family, or general health conditions.

Side effects

Although the side effects are rare, it is good to know them to know how to act. The most common side effects associated with antibiotics are:

  • Itching

  • Diarrhea

  • Rash

  • Abnormal results in laboratory tests of the liver or kidneys

People who receive IV antibiotics therapy may experience side effects such as infection, blood clots, and blockages. Also, if you notice any changes related to swelling, redness of the hand, and pain, you should contact your doctor immediately.

Remember that medical professionals should carry out IV antibiotic therapy to avoid all unwanted consequences. If you have other health problems, consult with your doctor to avoid more adverse side effects.

Possible side effects

Source: shutterstock.com / Photo Contributor: Andrey_Popov

Final words

Antibiotics are the most common choice for bacterial infections and worsening patient conditions. In addition, several groups of antibiotics may be used for specific health conditions.

If you need to get the effect of antibiotics urgently, iv therapy is always a great idea. In this way, the digestive system is bypassed, and the patient's health condition may be improved quickly.

Remember that before using antibiotics, you should thoroughly familiarize the doctor with your health condition. Should you need to receive IV antibiotic therapy, ensure it’s administered and led by a medical professional monitoring your health condition.

We hope this article has clarified many things related to IV antibiotics and their use.

Brandon Lang

Brandon is the co-owner of The Drip IV Infusion and is a respected Clinical Compliance Management Professional, known for leadership in patient care and quality assurance. He advocates for technology adoption and ensures cost-effective resource allocation.


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