IV Therapy for Dehydration

The human body is fueled by food and water to get through each day. Despite its importance, people don’t pay much attention to what they eat or how much water they drink. Dehydration results from the body starving for vital nutrients and minerals, so you should consider at-home IV therapy for dehydration.

One additional glass of water a day will help, but it won’t be a quick remedy. So, the IV drip was primarily a solution offered in hospitals, but lately, IV therapy has become a popular wellness treatment. 

The trend started with celebrities and athletes calling professionals to their homes. Now, there are multiple businesses around the US offering IV fluids for dehydration at home.

Source: shutterstcok.com/ Photo Contributor: fizkes

IV Therapy for Dehydration

Various studies have said that around 75% of adults in the US are severely dehydrated. This means that more than half the American population is going about their lives at less than their optimal level. The results for children and young adults are similar; they don’t drink enough water.

Also, mortality rates for older adults are rising simply due to a lack of vital nutrients and minerals, especially electrolytes, which come from water.

Aside from the numerous health issues that come with dehydration, any person of any age won’t perform daily activities as well as they should. You won’t be able to focus, be sleepy and tired, and won’t deliver optimal performance at work. That is, you won’t be at your best.

Knowing all of this, IV fluid therapy for dehydration has become popular among the general US population. But is IV therapy good for dehydration?

IV therapy is the perfect solution for dehydration because IV fluids are liquid blends that fix electrolyte imbalances, which are injected into a person’s veins, bypassing the intestinal track and through an intravenous tube. 

The procedure of getting IV therapy for dehydration at home 

Compared to getting IV therapy at a hospital, at-home alternatives won’t require you to fill out dozens of pages of documents and wait to be discharged. However, the other aspects are pretty much the same.

A medical nurse will be there to help you and ensure you’re a good candidate for the blend of vitamins you choose. Your vein is punctured with a tiny needle connected to a long, narrow tubing connected to the fluid bag. The insertion is virtually painless.

You will probably sit there for 45 minutes, but this depends on the dosage you need to receive. This will depend on your needs and other health factors, which the medical professional will discuss with you. 

What do IV fluids contain, and how does it work for dehydration?

IV therapy at the hospital

IV fluids used in hospitals are saline solutions containing dextrose, also known as glucose or sugar, and salt, which are electrolytes.

Also, the sugar may help minimize the membrane around the cells so that the body may absorb the electrolytes quickly. This process is known as osmosis.

Furthermore, there are mainly two kinds of IV fluids: crystalloid-based and colloidal-based. Specific IV fluids containing crystalloids are used to potentially treat extreme dehydration. 

There are three types of crystalloids, and those are hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic crystalloids. The fluids with colloids are used in cases of both dehydration and malnutrition.

IV therapy at home

The process is the same - the nurses will put a tiny needle into your vein, connect the catheter, and you will sit comfortably until your body has fully absorbed the nutrients from the bag.

The difference between the product of a hospital and a portable IV therapy is the unique blend of ingredients that comprise the IV fluid.

The most prevalent ingredients in a cocktail catheter to treat dehydration are:

  • Vitamin C

  • B12

  • B-complex

  • Zinc

  • Glutathione

  • Magnesium

So, what IV solution for dehydration is good? It is known as The Classic Myers, which may aid in rapid recovery, rejuvenation, and replenishment of minerals and vitamins. Aside from fixing dehydration, a cocktail with these ingredients may boost the immune system.

The Classic Myers vitamin blend is highly supported due to it being child-safe. Children as young as 10 years old may also get IV therapy

Yet, this should be talked through with a pediatrician. Factors such as weight and medical history play a big role in whether the child may get an IV treatment at home.

Most mobile IV therapy practices ask for parental consent if the patient is a teenage minor, and for even younger ones, a doctor's note may need to be provided.

Source: shutterstock.com/ Photo Contributor: thekopmylife

How long does it take for an IV to start working?

Everyone's response time to the fluid injection varies, but you may anticipate results in 45 minutes to several hours. The contents of the IV fluids and your dosage play a significant role. However, even halfway through the session, you could start to feel better and more invigorated. 

The IV fluid may be a great solution to dehydration and possibly healing a hangover because it is fast-acting. All the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals are being delivered right into the bloodstream. 

If you were to consume those same ingredients but orally, your stomach acid would impair them, and the benefit would be partial.

How long does IV stay in the body?

IV fluids may remain in the body for a few hours after absorption. However, the minerals, nutrients, and vitamins present in the fluid may stay in the body for up to months. 

Many variables determine how long they reside:

  • How hydrated you are on a day-to-day basis.

  • The number of calories you burn while in a resting state (BMI).

  • The amount of movement you do day to day.

  • Whether you eat lots of greens and fruits.

  • Whether you consume a lot of salt and additional spices.

  • Whether you have an illness that affects your gastrointestinal system.

Ultimately, it comes down to how balanced your lifestyle is.

A Solution to Dehydration: Drinking Water vs. IV Therapy

The reason why intravenous rehydration outweighs drinking water is that it’s directly injected into the bloodstream. IV therapy should not replace water consumption, rather it compliments it.  

The liquid goes down quickly when you drink water or any other fluid. This rapid speed may eliminate half the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals until it reaches the stomach. Also, intestinal absorption seems to do the same.

When the liquid reaches the stomach, the acidic stomach fluid may deplete half the beneficial elements in the liquid you just drank, leaving a partial amount to get absorbed by the intestines. 

Ultimately, small amounts of vitamins and minerals reach the bloodstream to reach the organs.

But does IV therapy work for dehydration? IV therapy may work faster because it has direct access to blood cells, which bring all the important elements from the fluid to the organs. All nutrients may be intact.

If you want to be properly hydrated without using an IV like The Classic Myers, you need to drink at least 67 oz of water a day.

Benefits and Side Effects of IV Therapy

While IV may be used for health and wellness, some negative aftereffects may happen. 


  • It may be absorbed fast into the bloodstream.

  • It may aid in weight loss.

  • It may boost the immune system.

  • It may increase energy levels.

  • An extremely fast way to possibly rehydrate.

  • It may be pain-free.

  • It may be great for those who require more nutrients.

  • It may help with clear skin.

  • It may help with working out.

Side effects

It is extremely important to choose a reputable provider of IV therapy when receiving treatment to reduce any potential side effects.  Although rare, these are some potential side effects of IV therapy:

  • Collapsed vein: When a needle is left or an IV is in one place for a long time, the vein may occasionally collapse.  Since treatments typically last 30-45 minutes, this side effect is highly uncommon.

  • Infection: An infection might happen if the region is not clean when the needle is inserted. 

  • Hematoma: It may develop when blood spills from a blood artery into the tissues close by. It has a nasty bruise-like appearance and often fades away in a few weeks.

  • Fluid overload: Headaches, high levels of blood pressure, and difficulty breathing might occur if you receive too much fluid too rapidly.

  • Infiltration: Fluids may infiltrate the tissues around the vein if the needle moves or dislodges. Although it could cause pain and bruising, this is usually simple to fix.

Side Effects of IV Therapy

Source: shutterstock.com/ Photo Contributor: Elenia Photo

IV Fluids for Dehydration in Adults

Adults easily forget to drink enough water unless they feel thirsty because of many other life responsibilities pulling at them. However, dehydration messes with your mind, and you will find yourself feeling off during the day.

Minimal to moderate dehydration

For minimal to mild dehydration in adults, the typical dose of IV is 13.5 oz. 

Signs of minimal to moderate dehydration

  • Headache

  • Feeling tired

  • Urinating less than three times a day

  • Dry eyes, lips, and inside of the mouth

  • Muscle cramps

  • Feeling light-headed

  • Dry and cold skin

Extreme dehydration

For severely dehydrated adults, IV treatment will be given frequently for as long as needed for the patient to stabilize. However, such cases should be treated in the hospital. 

You should use at-home IV drip therapy to prevent you or your loved ones from getting to this stage of dehydration.

Signs of extreme dehydration

  • Vertigo

  • Excessive thirst

  • Confusion

  • Crying without any tears

  • Fatigue or excessive tiredness

  • Dark-yellow urine

  • Less frequent urination 

  • Eyes that seem sunken

  • Skin that has no elasticity

  • Increased heartbeat

  • Difficulties breathing

  • Low blood pressure

  • Dry eyes

IV Fluids for Dehydration in Children

Kids are prone to being dehydrated because they’re active a lot, so they sweat a lot, and they don’t yet have a habit of drinking water regularly. They have to be reminded constantly to get plenty of fluids in. 

Minimal to moderate dehydration

It’s usually not recommended for a child to get an IV if the dehydration isn’t too serious. In such cases, the child may be given oral medicine that contains electrolytes. 

However, some children may be unable to hold in any fluids (they would vomit) and need to get the required fluid through an IV. 

Signs of minimal to moderate dehydration

  • Dry mouth, lips, eyes, or throat

  • Headache

  • Light-headedness

  • Nausea

  • Dark-colored urine

  • Fewer trips to the bathroom

Extreme dehydration

The dosage for severe dehydration in children is dependent on the child's weight.

Once again, treating severe dehydration that could potentially lead to worse health conditions should be treated in the hospital. A pediatrician should be consulted for any treatment that includes vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

Signs of extreme dehydration

  • Irritability 

  • Sunken eyes and/or sunken cheeks

  • Dry mouth or tongue that seems sticky

  • Crying without tears

  • Not urinating after three hours

  • Sunken soft spot on top of the head

IV Fluids for Dehydration in Children

Source: shutterstock.com/ Photo Contributor: numstocker


Even though at-home IV sessions are still fairly new, you should remember the purpose behind them is to benefit the overall health of the person receiving the treatment. Those who offer them are always medical professionals who just want to help the general population live a longer and healthier life.

So, can IV therapy help with dehydration? IV therapy for dehydration may help and allow you to be a better version of yourself because you won't feel so lethargic and fatigued. This allows you to focus on bettering yourself physically, mentally, and professionally.

IV therapy doesn’t only help you but also the people around you because you may be much more relaxed, energized, and happier. 

So, book an appointment for IV therapy with us and feel the potential benefits!